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File Created: 16-Dec-1986 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  13-Aug-2018 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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NMI 103I9 Cu7
Name LUCKY LUKE (L.7424) Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 103I068
Status Past Producer NTS Map 103I09W
Latitude 054º 37' 19'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 128º 26' 36'' Northing 6052865
Easting 535943
Commodities Copper, Gold, Silver, Tungsten Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Lucky Luke occurrence is located 870 metres west of the Skeena River about 15.5 kilometres north-northeast of Terrace.

The area is underlain predominently by andesite flows and lesser porphyritic andesite and chlorite schist of probable Triassic age. The rocks are cut by aplitic dikes and shear zones.

At the Lucky Luke showing, a shear zone trending 110 degrees and dipping 65 degrees north contains narrow lenticular quartz veins mineralized with bornite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, chalcocite, and visible free gold. The shear zone is 1 to 2 metres wide and the quartz veins average 20 centimetres wide. A 51-centimetre channel sample of schist assayed 8.9 grams per tonne gold and 57.7 grams per tonne silver, and a 1.6-kilogram sample from an old ore bin assayed 50 grams per tonne gold, 80.2 grams per tonne silver and 2.78 per cent copper (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 205). The presence of tungsten has also been reported.

Recorded production for the period 1924-1938 totals 26 tonnes of ore shipped or treated. From this ore, 622 grams of gold, 11,011 grams of silver and 5801 kilograms of copper were recovered.

In 1964, the workings were re-opened and about 90 tonnes of ore was mined from a small stope in 1965. From this portion, the highest gold content was sorted and shipped, and in 1967 about 3 tonnes of sorted ore produced 93 grams of gold, 3359 grams of silver, and 1158 kilograms of copper.

In 2012, Argonaut Exploration Inc. completed two late fall geologic field examinations directed at locating and sampling the historic Lucky Luke and Cordillera (103I 040) gold mines. The Lucky Luke mine was located through the discovery of the lower and upper adits, ore dump, and remnants of old facilities including a cabin, small mill and Wilfley table. The ore dump was randomly sampled for a representative bulk assay on the remaining unshipped ore tonnage. The ten randomly taken samples, ranging from 0.49 to 2.02 kilograms, totalled 9.98 kilograms and returned a weight-corrected average grade of 9.47 grams per tonne gold, 119.3 grams per tonne silver and 4.16 per cent copper. The ore contains broken quartz with common malachite and rare occurrences of sulphides, mainly tarnished pyrite with some chalcopyrite (Press Release - Argonaut Exploration Inc., December 14, 2012).

EMPR AR 1918-110,111; 1919-98; 1923-104; 1924-88; 1925-125; 1928-146; 1931-70; 1934-C4; *1937-C7-C9; 1938-B36,C48; 1939-69; 1964-47; 1965-70; 1967-A54
EMPR BULL 10(Rev.), p. 58
EMPR MAP 69-1; 8
EMPR OF 1991-17
EMR MP CORPFILE (Lucky Gold Quartz Inc.)
GSC EC GEOL 17, p. 44
GSC MAP 11-1956; 278A; 1136A; 1385A
GSC MEM *205, pp. 49-51; *329, pp. 85,86
GSC P 36-17, pp. 87-89; 36-20, pp. 20,21
GSC SUM RPT 1925A, p. 116
CANMET IR 66-30; 66-31
N MINER Jun.25, 1942, p. 26
PR REL Argonaut Exploration Inc., Dec.*14, 2012
EMPR PFD 831101